3702 Loop 322 • Abilene, TX 79602 • 325-672-8544

Helpful Community Information


Community Plans

Hazard Mitigation

Texas Rural Health Associaion

Fair Housing

Pipeline Safety

Community Plans

WCTCOG takes an active role in providing assistance to member cities, counties, school districts and special districts seeking funding for various community and economic development projects. Staff is available to meet with city councils, commissioners’ courts, and other interested citizen groups concerning the application process available. WCTCOG provides contractual management services, grant writing services and grant administration as well as training and other special projects as well as basic technical assistance

Examples of the types of grants available including but not limited to the list below:

Texas Department of Agriculture - Texas Community Development Block Grant (TxCDBG) Program

Regional Services staff assists the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) with the implementation of the Texas Community Development Block Grant Program (TxCDBG) in the WCTCOG region. Under this program, WCTCOG provides local community development planning as well as grant writing and administration. One of the most importatnt areas of the program is the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG).

The objective of the TxCDBG program is the development of viable communities by providing public infrastructure, suitable living environments, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) are available to eligible units of local government.

All incorporated cities and counties in the WCTCOG region are eligible for these funds, with the exception of the City of Abilene, an entitlement city that receives a direct allocation of CDBG funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. In the WCTCOG region, the Community Development Block Grant program focuses on providing basic infrastructure to rural communities. Projects given top funding priority include water, sewer system improvements and street improvements.

Anually, each of the 24 planning regions in the state receive a formula-based allocation of funds for which applicants can compete. The CDBG applications are scored based and criteria developed by the Regional Review Committee (RRC) and points allocated by Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA). The RRC is a 12-member committee composed of local elected officials appointed by the governor. Grants are awarded to the highest ranking cities or counties. Projects are funded until all available money is expended from the cycle.

Planning/Capacity Building Fund

Another important program under the TxCDBG is the Planning and Capacity Building Fund. This fund provides grant money for local planning activities. It has the same eligibility requirements as the CDBG fund. The planning process undertaken with these funds should result in an improved local capacity to identify long and short-term needs and to develop strategies to address identified.

Community and Economic Development Assistance Fund (CEDAF)

Provide information and in depth assistance to help connect caregivers to services that help themselves or the ones they care for get the help they need. Caregivers can also receive help connecting to support groups.

About Section 3

Under the Section 3 program recipients of certain HUD financial assistance, to the greatest extent possible, must provide training, employment, contracting and other economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons. This is especially true for recipients of government assistance for housing, and to businesses that provide economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons.
Individuals may qualify as a worker, targeted worker or Section 3 business concern by meeting one or more of the following criteria:
         1. recipient of government assistance for housing
         2. income falls below HUD’s income limits
Businesses may qualify as Section 3 business by meeting one or more of the following criteria:
         1. ownership/control by a low-or very low-income person(s)
         2. owned and controlled by public housing residents
         3. business that has at least 75% of labor hours using Section 3 workers

To register your business as a Section 3 business or to be matched to Section 3 jobs and training opportunities, or contracting opportunities, visit https://hudapps.hud.gov/OpportunityPortal/.


Texas Rural Health Association

What The TRHA Does

  • Promotes rural health as a major concern in Texas.
  • Serves as a strong, unifying voice for those working to improve rural health statewide.
  • Advocates for rural health and improved health systems for rural Texans.
  • Provides a forum to exchange information and ideas for rural health improvements.
  • Helps develop appropriate health resources for medically underserved areas of rural Texas.

TRHA’s primary forum for the exchange of information and ideas has been the annual conference, where professionals from diverse backgrounds have generated enthusiastic and fruitful dialogue. Countless informal, networking relationships emerged from these conferences, as they identified overlapping missions and strategies to deal with shrinking resources. Through TRHA, health professionals, academics, and policymakers share information, expand knowledge, and develop collaborative, streamlined solutions.

Fair Housing In Texas

The 1968 Fair Housing Act protects people from discrimination.

You cannot be denied access to a home solely on the basis of color, race, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or your familial status (children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18).

The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) and the Texas state Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) are committed to affirmatively furthering Fair Housing in conjunction with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA).

Affirmatively furthering Fair Housing is a requirement of the CDBG program and TDA requires units of general local governments applying for CDBG funds to successfully affirmatively further Fair Housing.

More details regarding Fair Housing in Texas and the Fair Housing Act may be found on the TDHCA website at the following link: http://www.tdhca.state.tx.us/housing-center/fairhousing/index.htm